Diane Sagan
Irvine, California

My name is Diane Sagan. Several synchronistic events led me to Vedanta. In my sophomore year in college, I took a Comparative Religions course, which opened my mind to thought beyond the Catholicism to which I had previously been drawn. That summer, 1963, I was beginning what I thought was the free life of an artist, about to enter the San Francisco Art Institute. I spent that summer on the beach in Santa Barbara, where I met the nuns from Sarada Convent. I visited the convent, and we had long talks. Vedanta made so much sense to me and I began reading Vedanta for Modern Man. That Fall, as an art student, I met my future husband, and in the glove compartment of his car I found he also had a copy of Vedanta for Modern Man. That seemed to be a sign, and by the end of that year, I visited Santa Barbara, had an appointment with Swami Prabhavananda, and was initiated in 1966. (My husband, before his death in 2016, was fortunate to receive initiation from Swami Sarvadevananda)
As an artist I find Hinduism and its sacred ritual, deep philosophy, music, and freedom from dogma highly compelling. I was privileged to be able to sculpt the Kali Murti for Kali Puja in Hollywood for three years, and that had a tremendous personal effect on me.
Over the years, no matter where I lived, going through inevitable difficulties, I found that I always had the steadiness of a base of holy company to keep me on track. I was fortunate to have the grace of many swamis: Prabhavananda in Hollywood, Ashokananda and Prabhudhananda in San Francisco, and Swahananda, Sarvadevananda and Satyamayananda in Hollywood and Trabuco.